اللغات المتاحة للكتاب Indonesia English

323 ــ باب النّهي عَن سَبّ الريح وبَيان مَا يقال عند هبوبها


323 - Chapter on the prohibition of cursing the wind and pointing out what should be said when the wind blows

1/1727 ــ عَنْ أبي المُنْذِرِ أُبيِّ بْنِ كَعْبٍ رضي الله عنه قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «لاَ تَسبُّوا الرِّيحَ، فَإذَا رَأَيْتُمْ مَا تكْرَهُونَ فَقُولُوا: اللهم إنَّا نَسْألُكَ مِنْ خَيْرِ هذِهِ الرِّيحِ وَخَيْرِ مَا فِيهَا وَخَيْرِ مَا أُمِرَتْ بِهِ، وَنَعُوذُ بِكَ مِن شَرِّ هذِهِ الرِّيحِ وَشَرِّ مَا فِيهَا وَشَرِّ مَا أُمِرَتْ بِهِ». رواه الترمذي وقَالَ: حَدِيثٌ حسنٌ صحيحٌ.


1727/1 - Abu al-Mundhir Ubayy ibn Ka‘b (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Do not curse the wind. If you see what you dislike thereof, then say: ‘Allāhumma innā nas’aluka min khayri hadhihi ar-rīh wa khayri mā fīhā wa khayri mā umirat bih, wa na‘ūdhu bika min sharri hadhihi ar-rīh wa sharri mā fīhā wa sharri mā umirat bih (O Allah, we ask You for the good of this wind, the good of what it contains, and the good of what it is ordered to do. We seek refuge with You from the evil of this wind, the evil of what it contains, and the evil of what it is ordered to do).’” [Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi; he classified it as Hasan Sahīh (sound authentic)]

2/1728 ــ وَعَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ رضي الله عنه قَالَ: سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُولُ: «الرِّيحُ مِنْ رَوْحِ الله، تَأْتي بِالرَّحْمَةِ، وَتَأْتي بالْعَذَابِ، فَإذَا رَأَيْتُمُوهَا فَلا تَسُبُّوهَا، وَسَلُوا الله خَيْرَهَا، وَاسْتَعِيذُوا بالله مِنْ شَرِّهَا». رواه أبو داود بإسنادٍ حسنٍ.


1728/2 - Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he heard the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) say: “The wind is from the mercy of Allah. It brings mercy, and it brings punishment. When you see it, do not curse it, but ask Allah for its goodness and seek Allah’s refuge from its evil.” [Narrated by Abu Dāwūd with a sound Isnād]

قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «مِنْ رَوْحِ الله» هو بفتح الراءِ: أَيْ: رَحْمَتِهِ بِعِبَادهِ.



3/1729 ــ وَعَنْ عَائِشَةَ رضي الله عنها قَالَتْ: كَانَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا عَصَفَتِ الرِّيحُ قَالَ: «اللهم إنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ خَيْرَهَا، وَخَيْرَ مَا فِيهَا، وَخَيْرَ مَا أُرْسِلَتْ بِهِ، وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرَهَا، وَشَرِّ مَا فِيهَا، وَشَرِّ مَا أُرْسِلَتْ بِهِ». رواه مسلم.


1729/3 - ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Upon the blowing of wind, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) used to say: ‘Allāhumma inni as’aluka khayrahā wa khayra mā fīhā wa khayra mā ursilat bih, wa a‘ūdhu bika min sharrihā wa sharri mā fīhā wa sharri mā ursilat bih (O Allah, I ask You for its good and the good of what is in it and the good for which it was sent; and I seek refuge with You from its evil and the evil of what is in it and the evil for which it was sent).’” [Narrated by Muslim]

هداية الأحاديث:


Guidance from the Hadīths:

1) النهي عن سبِّ الريح، لأنها من آيات الله _عز وجل_ المحمَّلة بالخيرات من المطر واللقاح وغيره.


1) It is prohibited to curse the wind, for it is one of the signs of Allah Almighty and it abounds with good things, like rain and pollen.

2) ما نهىٰ الشرع عن شيء إلا وأرشد إلىٰ ما هو أحسن منه وأفضل؛ فنهىٰ عن سبِّ الريح، وأرشدنا إلىٰ أذكارٍ تعيذنا ــ بإذن الله ــ من شرِّها، وتعطينا ــ بإذنه ــ خيرها.


2) When the Shariah forbids something, it directs us towards what is better. So, it prohibits us from cursing the wind and teaches us such supplications that protect us from its evil and bring us its goodness, by the will of Allah Almighty.

3) علىٰ العبد في مواطن الخوف والشدة أن يلجأ إلىٰ الله _عز وجل_ ويستعيذ به، فإنه سبحانه لا يخيّب عبداً رجاه.


3) At times of hardship and fear, a person should turn to his Lord and seek refuge in Him. Indeed, Allah does not disappoint a servant who resorts to Him.

4) الترغيب في التزام الأذكار الشرعية التي تحصن العبد من كل شرّ، وتجلب له كل خير.


4) Encouraging the regular recitation of the Shariah-approved supplications, which protect one against all evils and bring him all goodness.