اللغات المتاحة للكتاب Indonesia English

99 ــ باب استحباب تقديم اليمين في كلّ ما هو من باب التكريم


99 - Chapter on the desirability of beginning with the right side in everything regarded as honorable

كالوضوء والغُسْلِ والتَّيَمُّمِ، ولُبْس الثَّوْبِ والنَّعْلِ والخُفِّ والسَّرَاويلِ، ودخولِ المسجدِ، والسِّواكِ، والاكْتحَالِ، وتقليمِ الأَظْفَارِ، وَقَصِّ الشَّاربِ، ونَتْفِ الإِبْطِ، وحلقِ الرَّأسِ، والسَّلام من الصَّلاة، والأكل والشربِ، والمُصَافَحَة، واسْتِلامِ الحَجَرِ الأسودِ، والخروجِ من الخَلاء، والأخذِ والعَطَاءِ، وغير ذلك مما هو في معناه.


such as ablution, bathing, dry ablution, wearing clothes and shoes, entering the mosque, using the tooth-stick, applying kohl, clipping the nails, trimming the mustache, plucking the armpit hair, shaving the head, making Taslīm in prayer, eating and drinking, shaking hands, touching the Black Stone, leaving the toilet, and taking and giving.

ويُسْتَحَبُّ تقديم اليسار في ضِدِّ ذلكَ، كالامْتِخَاطِ والبُصَاقِ عن اليسارِ، ودُخولِ الخَلاءِ، والخروجِ مِن المسجِدِ، وخَلْعِ الخُفِّ والنَّعْلِ والسراويل والثوب، والاسْتِنْجاءِ وفِعلِ المُسْتَقْذَراتِ، وأشباه ذلك.


On the other hand, it is recommended to begin with the left side in the things opposite to these (i.e. not regarded as honorable), like blowing the nose and spitting to one’s left, entering the toilet, leaving the mosque, taking off clothes and shoes, cleaning after relieving oneself, and doing anything deemed unclean.

قال الله تعالىٰ: {فَأَمَّا مَن أُوتِيَ كِتَٰبَهُۥ بِيَمِينِهِۦ فَيَقُولُ هَآؤُمُ ٱقرَءُواْ كِتَٰبِيَه} الآيات [الحاقة: 19].


Allah Almighty says: {As for he who is given his record in his right hand, he will say: “Here, read my record!} [Al-Hāqqah: 19]

وقال تعالىٰ: {فَأَصحَٰبُ ٱلمَيمَنَةِ مَآ أَصحَٰبُ ٱلمَيمَنَةِ * وَأَصحَٰبُ ٱلمَش‍َٔمَةِ مَآ أَصحَٰبُ ٱلمَش‍َٔمَةِ} [الواقعة: 8 ــ 9].


He also says: {The companions of the right - what are the companions of the right? And the companions of the left - what are the companions of the left?} [Al-Wāqi‘ah: 8-9]

هداية الآيات:


Guidance from the verses:

1) أهل اليمين هم أهل الفضائل الدائمة في الدنيا وفي الآخرة.


1) The people of the right are those who possess constant virtues in this world and in the Hereafter.

2) من كان من أهل الطاعات والخير في الدنيا، وفّقه الله لأن يكون من أهل اليمين يوم القيامة.


2) Those who are good-doers and righteous in the life of this world will be among the people of the right on the Day of Judgment.

1/721 ــ وعن عائشةَ رضي الله عنها قالَتْ: «كَانَ رسولُ الله يُعْجِبُهُ التَّيَمُّنُ في شَأْنِه كُلِّه: في طُهَورِهِ، وَتَرَجُّلِهِ، وتَنَعُّلِه». متفقٌ عليه.


1/721 - ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) loved to begin with the right side in all his affairs: in his purification, when combing his hair, and when putting on his shoes.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhāri and Muslim]

2/722 ــ وعنها قالتْ: «كانَتْ يَدُ رسولِ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم اليُمْنىٰ لِطُهُورِهِ وَطَعَامِهِ، وكَانَتْ اليُسْرَىٰ لِخَلائِهِ وَما كَانَ مِنْ أَذىً». حديث صحيح، رواه أبو داود وغيره بإسنادٍ صحيحٍ.


722/2 - She also reported: “The Messenger’s right hand was for his purification and eating, and his left hand was for cleansing after relieving himself and (handling) repulsive things.” [Narrated by Abu Dāwūd and others with an authentic Isnād]

غريب الحديث:



تَرَجُّلِهِ: الترجُّل: تسريح الشعر.



هداية الأحاديث:


Guidance from the Hadīths:

1) يستحسن البداءة باليمين في كلّ شيء مستحسن، ومن ذلك ميامن أعضاء الجسد عند الوضوء أو الغسل، أو تصفيف الشعر أو حلقه، أو لبس النعال.


1) It is recommended to begin with the right in every good thing. This includes the body parts during ablution, bathing, hair combing or cutting, and putting on shoes.

2) تستعمل اليد اليسرىٰ في ما لا تكريم فيه، كإزالة الأذىٰ.


2) The left hand should be used in things involving no honor, like removing filth.




اليمين محل الإكرام، فيستحب إبعادها عن كلّ شيءٍ مستقذر، فاليسرىٰ للأذىٰ واليمنىٰ لما سوىٰ، وهذا يدل علىٰ عناية الشريعة بتنظيم الأمور وترتيبها في حياة المؤمنين، وهذا من كمال الدين.


The right side is a position of honor, and so it should be kept away from anything deemed dirty. The left hand should be used for dirty things, and the right hand is for all else. This is a sign of the Shariah’s care to organize the life affairs of the believers, which indicates the perfection of this religion.

3/723 ــ وعن أُمِّ عَطِيّةَ رضي الله عنها أنَّ النَّبيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قالَ لَهُنَّ في غَسْلِ ابْنَتِهِ زَيْنَبَ رضي الله عنها: «إِبْدَأْنَ بِمَيَامِنِهَا وَمَوَاضِعِ الوُضُوءِ مِنْهَا». متفقٌ عليه.


723/3 - Um ‘Atiyyah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said to the women who were washing the body of his deceased daughter Zaynab: “Start with her right side and with the parts of the body that are washed in ablution.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhāri and Muslim]

هداية الحديث:


Guidance from the Hadīth:

1) المرأة لا يُغسِّلها إلا زوجها أو النساء، ولا يجوز للرجال تغسيلها.


1) A dead woman can only be washed by her husband or other women, and it is impermissible for men to wash her.

2) السُّنّة في غسل الميت البدء بميامنه ومواضع الوضوء منه، لشرفها علىٰ سائر الجسد.


2) The Sunnah with regard to washing a dead person is to start with the right side and the body parts included in ablution, as they are more honorable than the rest of the body.

4/724 ــ وعن أبي هُريرة رضي الله عنه أنَّ رسولَ الله قال: «إذا انْتَعَلَ أَحَدُكُمْ فَلْيَبْدَأْ باليُمْنىٰ، وَإذا نَزَعَ فَلْيَبْدَأْ بِالشِّمَالِ. لِتكُنِ اليُمْنَىٰ أَوَّلَهُما تُنْعَلُ، وآخِرَهُمَا تُنْزَعُ». متفقٌ عليه.


724/4 - Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When any of you is putting on his shoes, let him start with the right foot; and when he is taking them off, let him start with the left foot. Let the right foot be the first when putting on the shoes and the last when taking them off.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhāri and Muslim]

5/725 ــ وعن حَفْصَةَ رضي الله عنها «أنَّ رسولَ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يَجْعَلُ يَمِينَهُ لِطَعَامِهِ وَشَرَابِهِ وَثِيَابِهِ، وَيَجْعَلُ يَسَارَهُ لِمَا سِوَىٰ ذلِكَ». رواه أبو داود والترمذي وغيره.


725/5 - Hafsah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) would use his right hand for eating, drinking, and wearing his clothes, and would use his left hand for other purposes. [Narrated by Abu Dāwūd, Al-Tirmidhi, and others]

6/726 ــ وعن أبي هُريرةَ رضي الله عنه أنَّ رسولَ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: «إذا لَبِسْتُمْ، وَإذَا تَوَضَّأْتُمْ فَابْدَؤُوا بِأَيَامِنِكُمْ». حديث صحيح، رواه أبو داود والترمذي بإسناد صحيح.


726/6 - Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When you put on clothes and when you perform ablution, begin with your right side.” [Narrated by Abu Dāwūd and Al-Tirmidhi with an authentic Isnād]

هداية الأحاديث:


Guidance from the Hadīths:

1) استحباب بدء الانتعال باليمين، والنزع بالشمال، وهذا يدلّ علىٰ أن الكرامة تكون لليمين.


1) It is recommended to start with the right foot when putting on shoes and with the left foot when taking them off. This indicates that honor is afforded to the right.

2) استحباب التيامن في الوضوء والطعام والشراب ولبس الثياب، واليد اليسرىٰ تستعمل لإزالة الأذىٰ وعند نزع الثياب والنعال.


2) It is recommended to start with the right side and use the right hand in ablution, eating, drinking, and wearing clothes, and to use the left hand in removing dirt and taking off clothes or shoes.

7/727 ــ وعن أنس رضي الله عنه «أنَّ رسولَ الله أتىٰ مِنىً، فَأَتَىٰ الجَمْرَةَ فَرَمَاهَا، ثُمَّ أَتَىٰ مَنْزِلَهُ بِمِنىً، وَنَحَرَ، ثُمَّ قَالَ لِلحَلَّاقِ: «خُذ»، وَأَشَارَ إلىٰ جَانبِهِ الأَيْمَنِ، ثُمَّ الأَيْسَرِ، ثمَّ جَعَلَ يُعْطِيهِ النَّاسَ». متفقٌ عليه


727/7 - Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) came to Mina; he went to the Jamrah and threw pebbles at it, after which he went to his lodging in Mina and sacrificed the animal. He then said to the barber ‘shave’, pointing to his right side, and then his left side. He then gave it (his hair) to the people. [Narrated by Al-Bukhāri and Muslim]

وفي روايةٍ: «لمَّا رَمَىٰ الجَمْرَةَ، وَنَحَرَ نُسُكَهُ، وَحَلَقَ، نَاوَلَ الحَلَّاقَ شِقَّهُ الأَيْمَنَ فَحَلَقَهُ، ثُمَّ دَعَا أَبَا طَلْحَةَ الأنصَارِيَّ رضي الله عنه، فَأَعْطَاهُ إيَّاهُ، ثمَّ نَاوَلَهُ الشقَّ الأيْسَرَ، فقال: «احْلِقْ» فَحَلَقَهُ، فَأَعْطَاهُ أبَا طَلحةَ، فقال: «اقْسِمْهُ بَيْنَ النَّاسِ».


In another version: After he had thrown the pebbles and sacrificed the animal, he had his hair shaved. He turned his right side to the barber so he shaved it. Then, he called for Abu Talhah al-Ansāri (may Allah be pleased with him) and gave it (the hair) to him. Then, he turned his left side to the barber and said: “Shave it”. The barber shaved it, and he gave the hair to Abu Talhah, saying: “Distribute it among the people.”

غريب الحديث:



نُسُكَهُ: هديه الذي ساقه معه صلى الله عليه وسلم في حجته.



هداية الحديث:


Guidance from the Hadīth:

1) من الهدي المستحب إذا أراد الإنسان أن يحلق أو يقصّر، أن يبدأ بالجانب الأيمن.


1) It is a recommended Sunnah to begin with the right side when shaving or cutting one’s hair.

2) كان الصحابة رضي الله عنهم يتبرّكون بشعر النَّبيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم وثيابه وعرقه، ولكن غيره لا يُتَبَرَّكُ بشيءٍ من آثاره، ولو كان من الصالحين، فهذا مخصوص بالنَّبيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم. ولا يُقاس أحد عليه، لاختصاصه بمقام النبوة.


2) The Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) used to seek blessing in the Prophet’s hair, clothes, and sweat. This does not apply to anyone else, even if it be a pious person. It is limited to the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him), to whom no other person can be compared.

3) من الناس من يخصّه الله بفضيلة، فخُصّ أبو طلحة رضي الله عنه بالجانب الأيمن كلّه من شعر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، وإن كان في الصحابة من هو أفضل منه، ولكن فضل الله _عز وجل_ يؤتيه من يشاء.


3) Sometimes Allah Almighty bestows some advantage upon someone in particular. For example, Abu Talhah (may Allah be pleased with him) was given the whole right side of the Prophet’s hair, though there were other Companions more meritorious than him. But this is the favor of Allah and He gives it to whomever He wills.

4) مَن قصد اتّباع السُّنّة في البدء باليمين لما هو من التكريم، والبدء باليسار لما هو من الأذىٰ، أُثيب بالأجر العظيم، علىٰ قصد اتّباعه للسُّنّة النبوية، وإحيائها وتعظيمها.


4) If a person intends to follow, revive, and revere the Sunnah by starting with the right in honorable things and with the left in unpleasant matters, he will get a great reward for that.