اللغات المتاحة للكتاب Indonesia English

210 ــ باب فضل يوم الجمعة ووجُوبها والاغتسال لها والتطيب والتبكير إليها والدعاء يوم الجمعة والصلاة عَلَى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فيه وبيان ساعة الإجابة واستحباب إكثار ذكر الله بعد الجمعة


210 - Chapter on the merit of Friday and obligation of the Friday (Jumu‘ah) prayer, taking a bath and applying perfume for it, going to it early, making supplication on Friday and invoking Allah’s blessings upon the Prophet; pointing out the time when supplications are readily answered; and the desirability of remembering Allah a lot after the Jumu‘ah prayer

قَالَ الله تعالى { فَإِذَا قُضِيَتِ ٱلصَّلَوٰةُ فَٱنتَشِرُواْ فِي ٱلأَرضِ وَٱبتَغُواْ مِن فَضلِ ٱللَّهِ وَٱذكُرُواْ ٱللَّهَ كَثِيرا لَّعَلَّكُم تُفلِحُونَ}. [الجمعة 9]


Allah Almighty says: {And when the prayer has been concluded, disperse within the land and seek from the bounty of Allah, and remember Allah often that you may succeed.} [Surat al-Jumu‘ah: 9]

هداية الآية:


Guidance from the verse:

1) الحث علىٰ ابتغاء فضل الله تعالىٰ، من أنواع الرزق، فالمؤمن في بيعه وشرائه يراقب الله تعالىٰ، ويستحضر أن الله رقيب حسيب، فهذا من ذكر الله تعالىٰ.


1) It urges us to seek the bounty of Allah Almighty and the different types of sustenance. In transactions and dealings, a believer always heeds his Lord and recalls that He is constantly watching over him. This falls under remembrance of Allah Almighty.

2) إذَا قضىٰ العبد صلاة الجمعة، ثُمَّ اشترىٰ وباع، فإنه أحرىٰ بأن يُرزق، لأنه قدم طاعة بين يدي رزقه.


2) When a person has offered the Friday prayer and then engages in buying and selling, it is more hoped that his transactions would be blessed, since he preceded them with an act of obedience to Allah Almighty.

3) عبادة الله تعالىٰ سبب للفلاح، وهي كلمة جامعة لخير الدنيا والآخرة.


3) Worship of Allah Almighty is a cause of success in attaining all goodness in the worldly life and the Hereafter.

1/1147ــ عَنْ أبي هُرَيْرَةَ رضي الله عنه قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «خَيْرُ يومٍ طَلَعَتْ عليْه الشَّمْسُ يومُ الجُمُعة؛ فيه خُلِقَ آدَمُ ، وفيه أُدْخِلَ الجَنَّةَ، وفيه أُخْرِجَ منْهَا». رواه مسلم.


1147/1 - Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The best day the sun has risen over is Friday: on it Adam was created, on it he was admitted into Paradise, and on it he was driven out of it.” [Narrated by Muslim]

هداية الحديث:


Guidance from the Hadīth:

1) خيرُ يومٍ يومُ الجمعة، ومن رحمة الله تعالىٰ أن خصّ الجمعة بذلك، ليتنافس طلاب الآخرة في تحصيل الأجر.


1) Friday is the best of days. Out of His mercy, Allah Almighty has endowed Friday with this special merit, so that the seekers of the Hereafter can compete in winning rewards.

2) من خيرية يوم الجمعة أن فيه بدء الخلق، وبدء الابتلاء بدخول الجنة، والخروج منها.


2) One of the merits of Friday is that the creation began in it, and it also saw the beginning of the trial of Adam entering Paradise and then leaving it.

2/1148ــ وعَنْ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «مَنْ توضَّأَ فأحسنَ الوُضوءَ، ثُمَّ أتىٰ الجُمُعةَ، فاسْتَمَعَ وأنْصَتَ، غُفرَ لَهُ ما بيْنَه وبينَ الجُمُعةِ وزيادةُ ثلاثَةِ أيَّامٍ، وَمَنْ مسَّ الحَصَىٰ فَقَدْ لَغَا». رواه مسلم.


1148/2 - He also reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “He who performs ablution properly and then comes to the Friday prayer and listens attentively and keeps silent, his sins between that Friday and the following Friday will be forgiven, with the addition of three more days; but he who touches pebbles (while listening to the sermon) has engaged in idle activity.” [Narrated by Muslim]

3/1149 ــ وعَنْهُ عنِ النَّبيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ:«الصَّلواتُ الخمسُ، والجُمُعةُ إلىٰ الجُمُعةِ، ورَمَضَانُ إلىٰ رَمَضَانَ، مُكفِّراتٌ ما بَيْنَهُنَّ، إذَا اجْتُنبَتِ الكَبَائرُ». رواه مسلم.


1149/3 - He also reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The five prayers, from Friday to Friday, and from Ramadan to Ramadan expiate sins committed between them, if major sins are avoided.” [Narrated by Muslim]

غريب الحديث:


Words in the Hadīth:

لغا: اللغو ورد تفسيره في السنة: بقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «ومن لغا وتخطىٰ رقاب الناس كانت له ظهراً». رواه أبو داود عن عبد الله بن عمرو بن العاص. قال ابن وهب ــ أحد رواته ــ معناه: «أجزأت عنه الصلاة وحرم فضيلة الجمعة». (فتح الباري شرح صحيح البخاري).


About idle activity, another Hadīth says: “Whoever engages in idle activity and steps between people’s necks, it will be a Zhuhr prayer for him (not a Friday prayer).” [Narrated by Abu Dāwūd as reported by ‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘Ās] Ibn Wahb, one the subnarrators, said what it means: “His prayer is valid (as Zhuhr prayer), but he is deprived of the merit of the Friday prayer.” [Fat-h al-Bāri Sharh Sahīh al-Bukhāri]

هداية الأحاديث:


Guidance from the Hadīths:

1) الأجر العظيم في غفران الذنوب حاصل لمن أحسن الوضوء والإنصات، ولم يشتغل بشيء عن الخطبة.


1) The great reward and expiation of sins apply to one who performs ablution perfectly and listens attentively, not being distracted by anything from the sermon.

2) الترغيب في رحمة الله تعالىٰ بعباده؛ إذ عرّضهم لنفحات تُغفر فيها الخطيئات، ومن تلك النفحات: الصلوات، والصيام، والمسارعة إلىٰ الطاعات.


2) They encourage us to seek Allah’s mercy, as He has provided us with opportunities for expiation of sins. These include prayers, fasting, and hastening to perform righteous deeds.




يُستفاد من الحديث أن سماع الخُطبة واجب، لأن من انشغل عَنْهَا بمسّ الحصىٰ فاته أجر الجمعة، فكيف بمن ترك سماعها عمداً؟ فالحريص من المؤمنين من يبادر التبكير لصلاة الجمعة، ليشهد الخُطبة من أولها.


It is deduced from the foregoing Hadīth that listening to the sermon is obligatory, for he who gets distracted from it by touching pebbles misses the reward of the Friday prayer. Then what about he who intentionally fails to listen to the sermon? A devoted believer would go to the Friday prayer early to witness the sermon from its beginning.

4/1150 ــ وعَنْه وعن ابنِ عمرَ رضي الله عنهما أنَّهُما سَمعَا رَسُولَ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقولُ علىٰ أعْوَاد منْبَرهِ: «لَينتَهيَنَّ أقوامٌ عَنْ وَدْعِهِمُ الجُمُعاتِ، أوْ ليَخْتِمَنَّ اللهُ علىٰ قُلُوبهِمْ، ثُمَّ ليَكُونُنَّ منَ الغَافلينَ». رواه مسلم.


1150/4 - He and Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with both of them) reported that they heard the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) speaking on his wooden pulpit, saying: “People must stop neglecting the Friday prayers, or else Allah will put a seal on their hearts, then they will be truly among the heedless.” [Narrated by Muslim]

غريب الحديث:


Words in the Hadīth:

ودعهم: تركهم.



هداية الحديث:


Guidance from the Hadīth:

1) التحذير الشديد من ترك شهود صلاة الجمعة من غير عذر، فذلك سبب للختم.


1) It issues a stern warning against neglecting the Friday prayer without a valid excuse. The heart of a person who does so will be sealed.

2) ارتكاب المعاصي سبب لحرمان العبد من نور الطاعة، والله تعالىٰ يعاقب العاصي الغافل بالختم علىٰ قلبه، فَلْيحذرِ المؤمن من التساهل في ترك الواجبات الشرعية.


2) Commission of sins is a reason for deprivation of the light of worship. Allah Almighty punishes a heedless sinner by sealing his heart. So, let the believer beware of neglecting his religious duties.

5/1151 ــ عَنْ ابنِ عُمرَ رضي الله عنهما أنَّ رَسُولَ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ: «إذَا جاءَ أحَدُكُمُ الجُمُعةَ فلْيَغْتَسلْ». متفق عليه.


1151/5 - Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him and his father) reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If you come to attend the Friday prayer, take a bath.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhāri and Muslim]

6/1152 ــ وعن أبي سعيدٍ الخُدْرِيِّ رضي الله عنه أَنَّ رسولَ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ: «غُسْلُ يَوْمِ الجُمُعَةِ وَاجِبٌ عَلىٰ كُلِّ مُحْتَلِمٍ». متفقٌ عليه.


1152/6 - Abu Sa‘īd al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Taking a bath on Friday is due upon every Muslim who has reached puberty.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhāri and Muslim]

المُراد بالمُحْتَلِمِ: البَالغُ. وَالمُرَادُ بِالوُجوبِ: وُجُوبُ اختِيَارٍ، كقوْلِ الرَّجُلِ لصَاحِبِهِ: حَقُّكَ وَاجِبٌ عَليَّ. والله أعلم.


The duty here denotes option (i.e. voluntary duty), like telling someone: Your right is a duty upon me. And Allah knows best.

7/1153ــ عَنْ سمُرَة رضي الله عنه قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «مَنْ تَوَضَّأ يَوْمَ الجُمُعَة ، فبِها ونِعْمَتْ ، ومَن اغْتَسَلَ فالغُسْلُ أفْضَلُ». رواه أبو داود، والترمذي وقال: حديثٌ حسنٌ.


1153/7 - Samurah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever performs ablution on Friday has done something good, and whoever takes a bath has done what is better.” [Narrated by Abu Dāwūd and Al-Tirmidhi, who classified it as Hasan (sound)]

هداية الأحاديث:


Guidance from the Hadīths:

1) إنَّ غسل يوم الجمعة لصلاة الجمعة واجب علىٰ من يجب عليه حضور الصلاة.


1) Taking a bath on Friday for the Friday prayer is due upon those who are obligated to attend the prayer.

2) في الأمر النبوي بالاغتسال يوم الجمعة بيانٌ لعناية الشريعة بالتطهّر والتنظيف في مجامع الناس.


2) The Prophet’s instruction to take a bath on Friday shows how the Shariah cares for purification and cleanliness, especially when people gather in large numbers.

3) من ترك غسل الجمعة فقد قصّر فيما وجب عليه، وصلاته صحيحة، فالغسل ليس شرطاً لصحة الصلاة، لكنه واجب لشهودها.


3) He who fails to take a bath on Friday has neglected something due on him, but his prayer is valid. The bath is not a requirement for the validity of prayer; rather, it is due upon those going to attend it.

8/1154ــ وَعَنْ سَلْمَانَ رضي الله عنه قالَ: قالَ رَسُولُ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «لا يَغْتَسِلُ رَجُلٌ يَوْمَ الجُمُعَةِ، وَيَتَطَهَّرُ ما اسْتَطَاعَ مِنْ طُهْرٍ، وَيَدَّهِنُ مِنْ دُهْنِهِ، أَو يَمَسُّ مِن طِيبِ بَيْتِهِ، ثمَّ يَخْرُجُ فَلا يُفَرِّقُ بَيْنَ اثنَيْنِ، ثمَّ يُصَلِّي مَا كُتِبَ لَهُ، ثمَّ يُنْصِتُ إذا تكَلَّمَ الإمَامُ، إلَّا غُفِرَ لَهُ ما بَيْنَهُ وَبَيْنَ الجُمُعَةِ الأخْرَىٰ». رواه البخاري.


1154/8 - Salmān (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If a man takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, oils his hair or applies of his perfume, sets forth for the mosque, does not separate two people (to make a seat for himself), performs prayer as prescribed for him, remains silent when the Imām speaks, then his sins between that Friday and the following Friday will certainly be forgiven.”

هداية الحديث:


Guidance from the Hadīth:

1) استحباب إتمام الطهارة يوم الجمعة والعناية بها، فذلك من الهدي النبوي المبارك.


1) It is recommended to purify oneself in a perfect manner on Friday. That is the Prophet’s guidance.

2) استحباب استعمال الطيب ليوم الجمعة، وهذا من أدب الشريعة أن تُشَم من المسلم رائحة طيبة في مجامع الناس.


2) It is recommended to apply perfume on Friday. According to the Shariah etiquettes, a Muslim ought to smell good, especially when in a gathering.

3) صلاة النافلة قبل الجمعة غير محدودة بعدد، بل للعبد أن يصلِّي ما كُتب لَهُ من النوافل، حتىٰ يبدأ الإمام الخطبة.


3) The supererogatory prayer before the Friday prayer has no limit. A person may offer as many Rak‘ahs as he wishes, until the Imām begins the sermon.

9/1155ــ وَعَنْ أَبِي هُرَيرَةَ رضي الله عنه أَنَّ رسولَ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قالَ: «مَنِ اغْتَسَلَ يَوْمَ الجُمُعَةِ غُسْلَ الجَنَابَةِ، ثُمَّ رَاحَ في السَّاعَةِ الأُولَىٰ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَرَّبَ بَدَنَةً، وَمَنْ رَاحَ في السَّاعَةِ الثَّانِيَةِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَرَّبَ بَقَرَةً، وَمَنْ رَاحَ في السّاعَةِ الثّالِثَةِ فَكَأنَّمَا قَرَّبَ كَبْشاً أَقرَنَ، وَمَنْ رَاحَ في السّاعَةِ الرّابِعَةِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَرَّبَ دَجَاجَةً، وَمَنْ رَاحَ في السَّاعَة الخَامِسَةِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَرَّبَ بَيْضَةً، فَإذا خَرَجَ الإمامُ حَضَرَتِ المَلائِكَةُ يَسْتَمِعُونَ الذِّكرَ». متفقٌ عليه.


1155/9 - Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever performs a ritual bath on Friday and then goes to the mosque in the first part of time (i.e. early), it is as if he sacrificed a camel; if he goes in the second part of time, it is as if he sacrificed a cow; if he goes in the third part of time, it is as if he sacrificed a horned ram; if he goes in the fourth part of time, it is as if he sacrificed a hen; and if he goes in the fifth part of time, it is as if he sacrificed an egg; and when the Imām comes out, the angels attend to listen to Dhikr.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhāri and Muslim]

قَوله: «غُسلَ الجَنَابَة»، أي: غُسلاً كَغُسلِ الجَنَابَةِ في الصّفَةِ.


His words “a ritual bath” mean a bath like that taken to remove ritual impurity (Ghusl).

هداية الحديث:


Guidance from the Hadīth:

1) تفاوت الأجر يوم الجمعة بحسب المسارعة والتبكير إلىٰ صلاة الجمعة، وكلما كَانَ العبد أحرص علىٰ التبكير ناله الأجر الكبير.


1) Rewards differ on Friday according to the time in which a person goes to the mosque. The earlier he attends, the greater his reward.

2) صفة غسل الجمعة كصفة غسل الجنابة، لكن يستحب تأخيره إلىٰ ما قبل الذهاب إلىٰ الجمعة.


2) The bath on Friday is like a ritual bath (Ghusl), but it is recommended to delay it till shortly before going to the mosque.

10/1156ــ عَنْهُ: أنَّ رَسُولَ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ذكرَ يَوْمَ الجُمُعةِ، فقال: «فيه ساعَةٌ لا يُوَافِقُها عبدٌ مسلمٌ، وهُوَ قائمٌ يُصلَّي، يسألُ اللهَ شيئاً إلا أعطاهُ إيَّاهُ» وأشار بيده يُقَلِّلُها. متفق عليه.


1156/10 - He also reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) talked about Friday and said: “There is a time in it (meaning Friday) at which a Muslim, while he is standing in prayer and supplicating Allah, will be granted whatever he is asking for.” He gestured with his hand to indicate that this time is short. [Narrated by Al-Bukhāri and Muslim]

11/1157ــ وَعَنْ أبي بُردَةَ بنِ أبي مُوسَىٰ الأشعَرِيِّ رضي الله عنه قَالَ: قَالَ عَبْدُ الله بنُ عُمَرَ رضي الله عنهما: أَسَمِعْتَ أَبَاكَ يُحَدِّثُ عَن رَسُولِ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فىٰ شأن ساعةِ الجُمُعَةِ؟ قَالَ: قلتُ: نعمْ، سَمِعْتُهُ يَقُولُ: سمِعْتُ رَسُولَ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُولُ: «هِي مَا بَيْنَ أنْ يَجلِسَ الإمامُ إلىٰ أنْ تُقضَىٰ الصّلاةُ». رواه مسلم.


1157/11 - Abu Burdah ibn Abi Mūsa al-Ash‘ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: ‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him and his father) said: “Did you hear your father report something from the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) regarding the hour on Friday?” I said: “Yes, I heard him say: ‘I heard the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) say: ‘It extends from the time the Imām sits down till the prayer is over.’” [Narrated by Muslim]

هداية الأحاديث:


Guidance from the Hadīths:

1) من خصائص يوم الجمعة أن فيه ساعة تُستجاب فيها الدعوات.


1) One of the merits of Friday is that it has a time in which supplications are readily answered.

2) ساعة الاستجابة يوم الجمعة يسيرة، وغير محددة بوقت معين متيقّن، ليجتهد العبد في كثرة الدعاء يوم الجمعة حتىٰ يوافق تلك الساعة.


2) The time in which supplications are readily answered on Friday is short and unspecified so that people would strive and supplicate a lot on this day in hope that their supplication coincides with this hour.




الأحاديث الصحيحة في ساعة الاستجابة يوم الجمعة تبين بمجموعها أنها آخر ساعة بعد العصر، والحديث الأخير، فيه أنها: «ما بين أن يجلس الإمام إلىٰ أن تُقضىٰ الصلاة»، هذا اللفظ قد ضعّف علماءُ الحديث رفعَه؛ فلا يصحّ من قول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، وإنما ورد ذلك عن الصحابي عبد الله بن عمر رضي الله عنهما موقوفاً.


The authentic Hadīths on the hour during Friday in which supplications are readily answered indicate that it is the latter part of time after the ‘Asr (afternoon) prayer. The last Hadīth cited above says about it: “It extends from the time the Imām sits down till the prayer is over.” The scholars of Hadīth considered the attribution of this wording to the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) as inauthentic; rather, it is the statement of Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him and his father).

12/1158ــ عن أوسِ بنِ أوسٍ رضي الله عنه قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «إنَّ مِن أفْضَلِ أيَّامِكُم يَوْمَ الجُمُعَةِ، فأكثرُوا عليَّ من الصَّلاةِ فيهِ، فإنَّ صلاتَكُمْ مَعْرُوضَةٌ عَلَيَّ». رواه أبو داود بإسنادٍ صحيحٍ.


1158/12 - Aws ibn Aws (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Indeed, Friday is one of your best days. So, invoke Allah’s blessings upon me in it a lot, for your invocations are presented to me.” [Narrated by Abu Dawūd, with an authentic chain of narration]

هداية الحديث:


Guidance from the Hadīth:

1) إنَّ الصلاة علىٰ النَّبيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم من العبادات المستحب الإكثار منها يوم الجمعة وليلة الجمعة.


1) Invoking Allah’s blessings upon the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) is among the recommended acts of worship to be performed often during the day and eve of Friday.

2) الصلاة علىٰ الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم فيها أجر عظيم للعبد؛ لأننا بحاجة إلىٰ هذه الصلاة، كي نفوز بصلاة الله تعالىٰ علينا.


2) Invoking Allah’s blessings upon the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) brings a great reward. Indeed, we need to invoke Allah’s blessings upon the Prophet, so that we can win Allah’s blessings upon us.




1) صلاة المؤمنين علىٰ رَسُول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم معناها: الدعاء له بأن يثني اللهُ عليه في الملأ الأعلىٰ عند الملائكة المقرَّبين.


1) When the believers invoke Allah’s blessings upon the Prophet, this means that they supplicate Allah to praise him among the highest company of angels, who are close to Him.

2) يشرع للعبد عند الصلاة والسلام على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أن يتخير من المأثور في النصوص الشرعية: القرآنية، النبوية، ففيها الكفاية والغنية. ولا يجوز تكلفُ صيغ من الصلوات المحدثة في أصلها، والمنكرة ــ أحياناً ــ في معناها.


2) When a person wants to invoke Allah’s blessings upon the Prophet, he should choose one of the wordings occurring in the Qur’an or the Sunnah. These are good and sufficient. It is not permissible for him to use one of the wordings contrived by people which sometime have inappropriate meanings.

وكل خير اتبــاع من سـلف وكل شرٍ في ابتداع من خلف.


Indeed, all goodness lies in following the righteous predecessors; and all evil lies in the religious innovations introduced by those who came later.